
5월 3일 --  EOI 온라인 접수 (기술이민 점수 120점)   http://johnna.tistory.com/78

5월 4일 -- 추첨을 통해 EOI 채택됨.

5월 11일 -- 이민성으로부터 초청장(invitation letter) 받음.  http://johnna.tistory.com/91

9월 9일  -- 기술이민 영주권 서류접수

서류접수후 Y씨와 오클랜드 이민성간에  몇번의  이메일을 주고받고했네요.
그 내용을 아래에 올려보겠습니다.


Dear Y----

  Thank you for your application for a Skilled Migrant resident visa, which we received on  09 September 2011.

 Please find the receipt for your application fee enclosed.

 This will be processed in conjunction with your Expression of Interest No. --------.

When can you expect to hear from us?

 Initial processing of your application will now commence.  This will include checking for missing
information/documents, referring documents for verification, and confirming if your medical certificates
are satisfactory.  Where required, we will refer your medical certificates to the INZ Medical
Assessors and/or request you to provide further medical information.

 If you have any questions concerning the processing of your application you can send an email
skilledmigrants@dol.govt.nz quoting your application number in the subject heading.  We will
endeavour to respond within two working days.

 Once the initial processing of your application is completed, it will be assigned to a case officer for
final assessment.  Given the work completed as outlined above, we expect minimal delay with most
applications once they are assigned to a case officer.  If further clarification is required, the case
officer will contact you and
give you the opportunity to comment and/or provide more information before making a decision. 

We anticipate the processing of your application will take 6 to 9 months.

 Your application is incomplete

Please note that you have not supplied the following documents:

  • Please provide original Police Clearance Certificate (and translation, if applicable) from
    South Korea, which is less than six months old at the time of lodgement.
  • Completed page 48 of the Application Form as marked.

These should be addressed and sent to the Auckland Central Branch Skilled Migrant Team as soon
as possible to ensure that your application continues to be processed.

Your application documents

We are returning the following original documents with this letter:

Passport x 1

Standard certificate

Certificate of Family Relationship

Evidence of current employment

What happens if your circumstances change?

You must tell us about any changes to your circumstances that may affect your application for a visa, including:

- changes to the personal or family circumstances of any person included in the application

- changes to your business or employment

- changes to your study if you are applying for a student visa

- if you do not tell us about changes to your circumstances, any visa issued may later be withdrawn.
   While you are in New Zealand, you must make sure you hold a valid visa at all times.

Please email us at -@dol.govt.nz or fax us at 09-000 0000 about these changes.

Make sure you keep your documents and this letter together in a safe place for future reference. Please
note that we do not return copies of the documents you send to us, or original medical or police certificates.

Remaining on a Valid Visa

In order to stay in New Zealand your visas must be valid at all times. If you let your visas lapse this
could result in you and your family being removed from New Zealand subject to any humanitarian a
ppeal that you may make. This would be most unfortunate so please ensure that you keep your
visas up to date.  Please also note that any application for a further temporary visa would normally
be granted for the period it takes to process your residence application.

Liability for deportation and appeal rights

You must hold a valid visa at all times and depart New Zealand before it expires. If you remain after
it expires you will be in New Zealand unlawfully; you will then
be liable for deportation.   If you are
deported from New Zealand, you will be unable to return until the end of any prohibition period and
have paid any costs of your deportation.  If you are in New Zealand unlawfully and depart voluntarily
you may still be deemed to be deported, but you will not be subject to any prohibition period.

If you wish to appeal against your liability for deportation, you may do so on humanitarian grounds no
later than 42 days after first being in New Zealand unlawfully.  Further information on how to appeal
to the Immigration and Protection Tribunal is available on its website:

Immigration Act 2009

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has changed the terminology it uses. From 29 November 2010, we
will use the term visa to mean the authority to travel to New Zealand and stay in New Zealand. We
have made this change because of the new Immigration Act 2009. If you applied for a permit before
29 November 2010, any correspondence sent by INZ will now refer to a visa. This change will not
affect your immigration status.

For more information about the new Act please see www.immigration.govt.nz/act.

Contact us

If you have any questions or need any further clarifications, please contact us at migrants@dol.govt.nz .
You may also wish to check our website at
www.immigration.govt.nz to obtain further information to
help you with your application or with any queries you may have about settling in New Zealand.

 Kind regards

Documentation Officer
9월 9일 서류접수가 잘되었다는 내용과 함께 여러가지 정보들이 포함되어있네요.
그중에 중요한 내용 하나.
Y씨의 한국 경찰 신원조회 서류가 없답니다. 그리고 application form의 48페이지가 작성이
덜 되었다고 그 페이지만 보내왔습니다.
form은 작성해서 보내면 되지만 경찰신원조회는...
지난 6개월 이내에 이민성에 접수된 경찰신원조회가 있다면  추가의 경찰 신원 조회를 제출할
없습니다. Y씨의 경우 지난 6월 워크비자를 연장할때 한국 경찰 신원조회를 제출했답니다.
그래서 이번 서류 접수시 추가의 경찰신원조회는 필요는 없습니다.
Y씨 그 내용을 이민성에 그대로 이메일로 보냈답니다.
지난 워크비자신청에 대한 정보와 함께.

Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2011

Dear Y--------

 Thanks for your below email. There are no notes in our system to confirm that a valid South
Korean Police Certificate is held with the earlier temporary applications.  It appears the 
concerned officer would have checked the earlier application for the South Korean Police
Certificate required for your residence application. 

 Please note the Police Certificate(PC) must be less than 6 months old when the application
is lodged. If you are sure you have earlier submitted a South Korean PC which is valid for your
residence application, please confirm which application it was submtted with and the date of
issue of the South Korean PC.

 We could give you an extension upto 10th November'11 to submit your original valid South
Korean Police Certificate.

 Thanks and regards,

Queue Management Team
9월 26일 오클랜드 이민성에서 이메일이 왔네요.
시스템에서 찾을수가 없다네요. 보낸것이 확실하다면 어떤 비자신청 이었는지 그리고
경찰신원조회 발행일을 보내달랍니다.
필요하다면 11월 10일까지 추가로 시간을 줄테니 다시 서류를 제출하라는 내용도 함께...
그래서 Y씨 다시 이메일을 보냈습니다.
지난번 워크비자 신청의 날짜 그리고 application no를 첨부해서 다시 한번 체크해보라고

Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011

Dear Mr Y----

Sorry for all these.

I have double checked your work visa application file and found your Korean Police Certificate was
attached to it. The date of issue is : --/--/2011. As the police certificate is valid for the residence
application, hence you are not required to submit a new Korean Police Certificate.

Once again, apologies for our oversight.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at migrants@dol.govt.nz should you have further query regarding
your residence application.

Thank you & regards

Residence, Queue Management Team
Auckland Central Branch
Immigration New Zealand
결국 찾았답니다.
만약 못 찾았다면 시간과 비용이 더 들었을텐데요.

좋은소식 기다리겠습니다.
Y씨 뉴질랜드 이민 화이팅!


                                                                                          작성자 : 연수 아빠

오클랜드에서 영주권을 진행중(뉴질랜드 이민)이신 목수 Y씨의 최근 소식을 전해드리겠습니다.

5월 3일   EOI 온라인 접수 (기술이민 점수 120점)

5월 4일   추첨을 통해 EOI 채택됨.

5월 10일 EOI가 채택 되었다는 편지를 받음.
Y씨의 EOI는 Auckland Central로 넘겨 졌다고 합니다.

5월 11일 이민성으로 부터 초청장(Invitation Letter)와 여러 서류들을 받았습니다.

Invitation Letter의 내용입니다.
4개월 안에 서류 접수를 해야한다는 말과 함께 첨부해야하는 서류들을 설명해주고 있습니다.

가족 사항을 기재하는 것 같은데요.
이부분은 이미 EOI작성할때 기재했던 것들이라 중복되는 부분같습니다.

온라인으로 작성했던 EOI가 그대로 프린트 되어서 왔습니다.
변동사항이 없으면 이대로 접수하면 됩니다.
만일 변동사항이 있으면 뒷편에 기재하구요.

Additional Details Form

Medical Form


영주권 서류준비를 도와주는 가이드 입니다.

잘 읽어 보시고 참조하시면 됩니다.


이상의 서류가 Invitation Letter와 함께 도착했습니다.
Y씨 서류 준비 잘하셔서 빠른 시일안에 접수 하시길 바랍니다.
보내주신 자료 감사합니다.



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